Xavier Fumat is an artist living in Los Angeles and working in Photography and Printmaking. Xavier graduated in 1998 from California State University Northridge. He received a BA in Fine Art with an emphasis on Painting and Printmaking. The same year of graduation, he started working at Gemini GEL as a printmaking assistant. Since 2000, Xavier has been Project Collaborator for Richard Serra at Gemini GEL .  Xavier has worked on projects at Gemini GEL with Ross Bleckner, Jonathan Borofsky, Vija Celmins, Robert Gober, Ann Hamilton, Michael Heizer, Ellsworth Kelly, Brice Marden, Julie Mehretu, Elizabeth Murray, and Richard Serra. In 2008, he began teaching Printmaking at the University of Southern California as an adjunct lecturer and continues to teach printmaking at USC to date.